Just updated 2013~
Excerpt from GROW BIG
In recruiting, I find what works best is to be persistent, don't give up, have fun doing it. Also on being myself and being truthful. Louise C., North Carolina
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do top direct sellers have to say about success?
Market everywhere!
The more marketing sources you have, the more leads you will have coming
in! 2.) Ask this simple question of show guests--"Have you ever
thought of having a home-based business?, 3.)
Teach new team members to recruit right away. It instills
confidence and keeps them excited! Tracey
P., Utah
My biggest mistake?
Not being committed to my business from the very start. Pam W., Arkansas
Goal setting and
determination to make it no matter what the cost. Really work your business
every week day and find out what things you can do to have the greatest impact
on your business that day. While doing that, you teach others to do the same
and realize they have goals and dreams like you. This business could be just
what they need and I will help them every step of the way. Wendy H., Arizona
groups? It can be scary
but it makes you come out of your shell! Dawn R., Maryland
hostess coaching: Keep in constant contact with the hostess. It’s very important to keep her enthusiasm
up. Book in close to avoid cancellations. Lorian R., Florida
keeps me motivated? I have
pictures up in my office of all the things I want! Lora G., Massachusetts
In recruiting, I find what works best is to be persistent, don't give up, have fun doing it. Also on being myself and being truthful. Louise C., North Carolina
spend a lot of money on advertising while your business is still small. Rely on person-to-person contact. It’s
the most important thing. Kim R., Utah
a stake in the ground.
Believe in your business and yourself 100% and then be persistent. If you dig
your stake in the ground far enough, it won’t fly away at the first rough
weather. Regina G., OR

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