Sales: From Secret to Sensational.
you call it, direct sales ultimately rests in the ability to get a product to
another for money. It’s pretty simple. It isn’t wrong or illegal or even
unpleasant, but some reps who work in direct sales just cannot seem to get past
the idea that they are just that…in a sales position. They may not want to call
themselves a direct sales representative. The industry often uses the term
“consultant” or some other non-sales title.
any mental block a person may have regarding sales can change rather quickly.
When the sales and re-orders pour in, the term “sales” may become less scary
and even enjoyable to anyone who may have been uneasy with the title. A party
with $500.00 in sales can leave a rep driving home with a smile on her face. A
$75.00 sales re-order will elicit a sincere happiness in her chosen profession.
It doesn’t take much to get past the off-putting image a new rep may have had
of sales. It just takes a few solid sales and the ability to get more. The
profit can also be quite impressive. The figures can start adding up allowing
for a rep to proudly assert “I’m a direct sales professional and it’s a great
job!” It can be a sensational feeling when you finally understand the power of
this career.
a few strong sales are all it takes to get a rep from start to successful, then
what’s so tough? The problem seems to lie in not getting some initial sales,
but in keeping that momentum going. Initially, a rep is excited and tells
everyone about her new business. She shares how much she enjoys the products
and usually a friend or relative will have a show or party to get her started.
If the rep is motivated and courageous, she books more from that party. This
will ensure she has another sales event in which to profit and build her
business. However, if she is afraid to ask or doesn’t show the party guests and
the hostess how advantageous having a show can be (free gifts, special
treatment, etc.), she will likely go home wondering how in the world she’s
going to get this business going. This is the thought process that leads to
drop outs.

Get the book, TOP SELLERS TELL here!
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